mas for groups

Holistic group work to find oneself.

mas personal

What is mas for groups good for?

Do you feel you are lost?
Do you feel you are close to your essence but a veil doesn't let you see who you really are?
Do you feel there are ancestral weight that doesn't belong to you?
Do you feel you have old fears and beliefs in your bodies (physical expressed with pain, emotional expressed with suffering or mental expressed with autodestructive thoughts) in a mechanism that feed back itself?
Do you feel like a baggage that blocks you and doesn't let you go forward?
I take you to cross the bridge to your Essence.
To get, with YOUR Strength and Direction, your place in the world and connect with the Creator Being you are, and then, build a life of love, health and abundance.

How is a session?

We start with a relaxation-visualization to connect with our hearts and create a sacred space where all work will happen.
We make systematic movement, constellations and mas as required. All this will take us to the core of the conflict and then, all together, we'll clean the fog that doesn't let you see the essence.
We finish with an exercice to place all we worked in a perfect order inside the new structure we created.

It's an holistic work, where, monthly, we'll go to find the creator origin in everyone of the aspects we would work, to restore the healthy order at all levels, and then you would express from who you are in Essence.

Aspects we work and schedule

Sensuality, sexuality and couple of light.
Fears, brakes that don't let you evolve.
Beliefs, ancestors and your guides.
Release death of past lifes and conscious rebirth.
Rebirth and full connection with the essence and purpose of life.

If you feel the urge to do a constellation, mas for groups also welcome the possibility to do your constellation and don't do the theme we should that day.

17th of October 2015 from 9h to 13h and from 15h to 19h: Fears and brakes that don't let you evolve.
7th of November 2015 from 9h to 13h and from 15h to 19h: Beliefs, ancestors and your guides.
12th of December 2015 from 9h to 13h and from 15h to 19h: Sensuality, sexuality and couple of light.
16th of January 2016 from 9h to 13h and from 15h to 19h: Release death of past lifes and conscious rebirth.
20th of February 2016 from 9h to 13h and from 15h to 19h: Rebirth and full connection with the essence and purpose of life.
From 7th to 11th of July 2016: Stage.

Sessions will take place in:
- Mas Espai, Sant Quirze del Vallès
- Espai Sacra.

Which tools do I use?

Mas: Energetic movement to accelerate and deepen in the work.

Systematic movement or family constellations: Through this method, we look for identifying the conflicts of the familiar, labor or social system that complicates the flow of life. And from there, if the system permits it, we restore the order of love, unleashing the knots and allowing a new flow of life for the involved people.
What for? This personal work wants you to be aligned with your origin and take the rightful place in the groups your interact with.

Visualization: A sweat voice takes you to a place of silence, a space where the mind is calmed down once the internal silence is got. Through a visualization, you'll go to a magical place, and together, we'll create a sacred place to create the reality that is born from your heart and your intuition.
After that, I make laying on of hands on everyone. You can feel heat or you can feel like the energy flows through your body.
What for? A more clear mind. To relax the physical body. A space to connect with oneself, and focus your life with more consciuosness.

Conscious movement: Move the body from the consciousness.
What for? To connect with your internal order and express who you are from the more visible body, the physical one. It helps you to silence your mind and fix the work inside you.

Where can we do a mas for groups session?

Mas Espai, Sant Quirze del Vallès
Espai Sacra
If you are interested to do this work near your city, contact me and we'll talk.



A revealing work, intense, full of pure emotions, enriching. Feeling the joy of living fully. I got the big gift, with all my humility and love, be able to grow internally with the work others did. Forever grateful. For me, it was a very intense work day and I finished very tired emotionally. Thank you for being so generous and make us felt accompanied and loved by you.
You are marvelous!

Marta Fenoy

One sentence? I take on responsability of me and I don't take responsability of others, Doing what is healthy for me. What did I like most? To feel the universal love flowing through me and feel, one more time, that I can evolve through the way of love. I feel grateful and lucky to be able to do this work with you, Laia. I see you in your place building your way, and from this point helping who are around you. Thank you very much with love!


When you trust, breath and give yourself up, you take up your place and connect with the loving essence you are. A liberating sensation. What I like most is spontaneity, and how Laia guides each work. I wouldn't change anything. All is perfect!


I could cut invisible chains that cling me to past facts of my being. I notice how Laia take us and her presence all the time, and that gave melo cual security to follow going forward. It was perfect for me.


Thank you very much. I could sleep 10 hours. It's the first time I sleep so well for a long time ago.


I feel closer to myself.


Mas for groups - Beliefs

It was a big gift. Thank you to all that make the work possible: Rosa, Dani, Gemma, Roser, Mari, Xènia, Carles, Raquel, Francesc, Fanny and Espai Sacra: Alba y Josep. Thank you from heart. I took a lot of learnings and specially I welcomed, with all my love, the shadow. Now, I also love this part of me, that sometimes it's difficult to accpet for me. Thank you for all your energy, it made this deep, intense and revealing work possible.

Mas for groups -Puropose of life

Thanks to Espai Sacra, Neus, Ramon, Coral, Elisenda, Helena, Roser, Silvestre, Gemma and Andrea. The energy moved with a different power it used to. We all made it possible. We all are tachers and students, creating a reciprocal and constant circle to give and receive. Thank you to be and create a sacred space where this work of soul happened.